Spotlight on Ardelyn (Phillipines)


Ardelyn is an assistant at Story Jam and the first in the series of our staff spotlights!

Art by Grace Walters

Art by Grace Walters


How did you find Story Jam?

I found Story Jam on Linked In. I remember I was scrolling through my feed, reading news, and inspirational posts when I saw one of my connections comment on Steffie’s hiring post. I immediately reached out to Steffie, sent in my resume and the rest is history.

What has been your favorite experience with Story Jam so far?

I can’t really pick one because I like every task I’ve been given! I have gotten to practice my excel skills, and to research different people who are really amazing! I enjoyed reading their biographies. I’ve also had the opportunity to unleash my graphic design skills. I used to paint on paper or canvas, and I am yet to practice my digital art skills, but Steffie always appreciates my skills which makes my heart flutter, every time!

What story has impacted you the most?

My current read certainly has impacted me the most. The “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. I know most people in my generation are in a phase of confusion, overthinking, or wondering which path they should take, and so am I. I’m experimenting and stretching my capabilities to find the direction that suits me best, but it’s easy to become impatient. I always want to see the result.

With the help of this book I learned my mindset is perpetually being fixed, I learned changes can seem small and unimportant at first but can yield remarkable results if you’re willing to stick with it.

If you had to tell one story that showcases who you are, what story would you tell? 

If I were to tell a story about myself, I would tell my journey through this beautiful life; It would be a short one and entitled “A Healed Femur.”

I would share how it feels like working at the age of 15 and burying myself in my studies to make my parents proud. I would tell stories about the times I genuinely offered help and love and how I received betrayal in the end. I would tell stories about failure, about almost reaching a goal, and about achieving it at last! I would tell how beautiful this life is amidst the hardships.